Figghiu miu ascuta attentu Nzoccu ti dici to matri a stu mumentu Troppi cosi mallantrini chi facemu lomini Consumano la fonti di lacqua viva Ma ora dormi nun ci pinsari ca quannu crisci nun ti lascurdari E iu ti cantu di la matri terra Di li muntagli, di li ciuri e lerba Pogni arbulicchiu chi veni tagghiatu Idda lu chianci comun figghiu scannatu Cu fu ca tammazzau figghiu duci duci Fu nu fratuzzu to ca persi li radici Sopra scuncizzi ammassamu cimentu Viulintamu i so sigrita a fariccinni vantu Ma si la matri po perdi la pacenza Vintra, mani e vuci scatena cu viulenza Ma ora dormi nun ci pinsari ca quannu crisci nun ti lascurdari canta lu mari un cantu di duluri ca logghiu lordu caffuca li coluri siddu nni scurdamu ca gghiè cosampurtanti cu lunna crisci, addiventa nu giganti Ma ora dormi nun ci pinsari ca quannu crisci nun ti lascurdari tu si ancora forti e nicu comu nomu anticu nun ti scurdari ca lu ventu parra e canta a cu sapi ascutari ca lamuri veni a tia si tu stissu si amuri dormi figghiu beddu
My son listen carefully what your mother tells you in this moment too many bad things we the men do that consume the spring of living water
but now sleep on dont think about it when you grow up you dont forget it
and i sing of mother heart of mountains, flowers and grass for each tree that is cutten down she cryes it like a murdered son
who killed you sweet sweet son it was a brother of yours who lost the roots
among indecencies we put on cement we rape her secrets and we are proud of it but if the mother looses her patience she unleash violently her womb, hands and voice
the sea sings a song of sorrow for dirty oil drowns his colours if we forget that its an important thing it grows with its wave and become a giant
you are still strong and little like an ancient man dont forget that wind speaks and sings to him who can listen that love came to you if you are love